let’s make something together
What is cocreate?
Hi, I’m Mike
I’m a photographer
And I want to tell you about my studio
I started with a single goal;
help creatives make money.
Not through exposure (no pun intended)
Not through “collaboration” (aka free labour)
Not someday. But right now.
This is cocreate
Studio 01
Located in downtown Toronto at 688 Richmond Street West
1150 sq ft
Large North & West facing windows
Furnished and Fully Equipped
Okay, so here’s the deal. Below I’ve listed the basics that I can guarantee will be there on day one. But as someone with a crippling gear addiction, it’s likely to expand. I’ve heard some of you might like a projector, we can talk about it. A fresnel? Hell yah I want that too. A fancy painted backdrop? Working on it. I’d like a cart too, would you like a cart? We’re gonna get there. But for now:
Paper Roll Backdrops (White/Black)
3x C-Stands
3x Godox Strobes (TBD) Sorry no Profoto…yet.
2x V-Flats
Modifiers (3x Strip Boxes, 2x Large Parabolic Softboxes, 2x Large Parabolic Umbrellas Silver/White, 1x Octabox, snoot, grids, reflectors)
Also, I am fully aware the images shown show absolutely no furniture, but it’ll have a 3-seater couch, a table, a whole bunch of stools, a rug, probably a plant. Does anyone want to sell me a nice light olive green couch? Olive green, so hot right now.
$25 dollars an hour
How does it work?
Cocreate is a membership-based rental studio
Yearly membership is $250 + HST
Membership includes 10 hours of studio time and grants access to all current and future Cocreate spaces
No date restrictions (except, maybe holidays)
No scheduling restrictions
Additional hours available for $25 + HST per hour
Memberships are capped at 250 members to ensure fair and convenient access to the studio